Eliminate the mistake of folding electric scooter, buy the g

Many people have the wrong idea about the folding electric scooter—— a new vehicle developed in the era. The following will take you to eliminate these misunderstandings, re-understanding folding electric scooter.


Myth 1: buy a folding electric scooter because you're poor.

Many people think of bicycles as a means of transport for the poor, and so do folding electric scooters. In fact, in many developed countries in Europe and the United States, bicycles, smart cars and other travel equipment, has become a must for every family, mainly used for daily short-distance travel, weekend leisure riding tour. For them, it's a way of life, not a cheap tool.


Myth 2: the more expensive the scooter,the better.Each model has its own characteristics, and therefore has its own most suitable for a specific group of people, not the more expensive the better. When buying a scooter, you should give priority to what needs you need to meet by folding an electric scooter.

  1. Leisure riding or walking?

  2.  How much battery life is required for daily use?

  3. Will other family members or friends use the scooter?

As for the third question, if other people use it, they should consider their own needs and the needs of others. Only in this way can they choose the most practical product. To deal with this problem, MOMO Magic Bike also made a corresponding solution, its handlebars and seats can be adjusted height, as far as possible to ensure the user riding comfort.


Myth 3: the smaller the body, the better.When designing folding structure, it is not only about how to fold the body to the minimum, but also about whether the operation during folding is difficult, whether too much effort is needed, and whether long-term repeated folding will affect the stability of the frame. MOMO Magic Bike not only easy to fold operation, easily do not need to spend to complete the folding, and repeated folding will not cause the body surface paint off, folding structure loose and other problems, as long as careful maintenance, can be used for a long time.


Myth 4: the lighter the folding electric scooter, the better.The folding structure is designed to be easy to carry, so many riders think that the lighter the folding electric scooter, the better. In fact, this is not absolute. Weight of a scooter is mainly affected by the frame material, the current market products, the frame is mainly steel, aluminum alloy, and so on. Magnesium alloy is the lightest and the most expensive aviation material, which is 3 times lighter than aluminum alloy of the same quality. Currently, the aviation, automobile, mobile phone and other high-precision equipment fields all need magnesium alloy as a standby material, and most ultra-thin notebook computer and mobile phone shell also use magnesium alloy as the shell. MOMO Magic Bike is high standard magnesium alloy body, body just 9.9kg, wear-resistant and shockproof, lighter and harder performance also points a lot.


In general, choose a suitable folding electric scooter, to consider a lot of factors, if you can directly start to test ride is the most intuitive.


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